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Hazardous waste refers to any waste that poses potential risks to public health or the local environment. Thus, they require proper handling.

While donation, recycling, or reusing is often the most preferred disposal method, these are often inapplicable for hazardous waste. Therefore, it’s necessary to properly identify the type of waste you have and the most appropriate way to safely dispose of them without harming the environment and people’s health.

How To Identify Hazardous Waste

Waste can be considered hazardous if the following characteristics are present in a material:


One of the most common corrosive waste items is industrial-strength cleaners containing strong acids, such as hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. Car batteries are made of lead and contain sulfuric acid and are, thus, also considered corrosive.


This pertains to the flammability of compounds present in a product. Gasoline, oxidizers, and propane tanks are some of the most common flammable or ignitable objects.


Reactive wastes are potentially flammable when combined with other compounds or subjected to high temperatures. A frequent example is filled or partially-filled aerosol cans, which can explode when exposed to high temperatures.


Any waste containing poisonous elements that, if breathed or swallowed, can have significant or fatal health repercussions is considered toxic. If exposed to these harmful components, you must seek medical attention immediately.

Proper Disposal of Hazardous Waste

Checking the label is one of the fastest ways to determine if a product is dangerous and needs particular disposal techniques. In such cases, you must handle those wastes with caution.

Here are some common hazardous waste products and the right ways to dispose of them:


Adhesives, such as glue or epoxy, must be taken to the nearest hazardous waste processing facility and not mixed with recyclable trash or other non-hazardous items.

Pesticides and Automotive Waste

Pesticides should be disposed of according to the instructions on the product label. Any product that remains in the container must be discarded as hazardous waste. You may also contact a hazardous waste disposal facility in your jurisdiction to find out where you may dispose of your unused pesticides.

Certain automotive fluids can be appropriately disposed of by bringing them to local auto shops.

Light Bulbs

Aside from the chemicals inside the bulbs, glass shards are also health and safety hazards. Thus, all fluorescent bulbs and tubes must be delivered to a facility capable of processing these items.

Electronics, Appliances, and Batteries

Electronics, appliances, and batteries may be returned to OEMs for appropriate e-waste disposal.


You may donate residual paint to a community center, charity, house of religion, or local theater. They frequently work on projects with limited resources and may benefit from these extra materials.

Pharmaceutical Wastes

Most pharmaceutical waste is incinerated at an approved medical incinerator site since it cannot be thrown with regular trash. When you have leftover pharmaceutical products, contact a pharmacy or medical facility to safely dispose of them rather than putting them in the garbage or a dumpster.

[U.S. Waste Industries for Your Hazardous Waste Disposal!

Hazardous waste is a major environmental and public health concern on a global scale. Thus, identifying your waste type and how to properly dispose of it is crucial.

When in doubt, contact U.S. Waste Industries! Our team specializes in hazardous waste disposal, and we can take care of the transportation and efficient disposal of industrial waste materials as part of our extensive services.

Contact us today for inquiries.


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